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Dating Etiquettes: Dos and Don'ts

In today’s hundred miles an hour whirlwind lives of ours, it is more difficult than ever to meet the right someone. When time is scarce, and you are handling everyday stresses, it’s tough to put your courting cap on and be in your top form.

A first date is a chance, not only to learn more about your date but also to be at your most pleasing self.

That’s why when you do get the opportunity you’ve got to ensure that you make an impression as it may be your only chance to charm Mr or Mrs Right.

Don’t be shy if you’re not innately blessed when it comes to pursuing or socializing with the opposite gender. You can undoubtedly turn it around.

Here are some recommendations on how you can make a decent impression and who knows, perhaps a potential date!

● DO Turn up on time.

You certainly do not want to let your potential soulmate to be waiting there judging you when you're not even there. So be on or leave a permanent negative impression.

● DON'T talk about how great you are.

How off-putting! Your date does not, I reiterate NOT want to listen all about you. They want to be heard too, appreciated, respected, and engaged. Talk less and express your undivided attention by listening more.

● DO Make eye contact.

People evaluate your sincerity through eye contact. The more you glance away when you are talking, the more withdrawn you will appear. Putting your mobile phones on silent is respectful and a must. You don’t have to gawk at your partner; just enough so that the other person knows you are attentive to them.

● DON'T try and be perfect.

No one is perfect, and no one is searching for Mr. or Mrs. Perfect. No connection can be established on the other person’s perfections, so there is no need to worry if your date doesn’t seem to be invested in your uniqueness. Just present yourself with complete rawness, and believe that if the other person is interested, then you two are meant to be!

● DO utilize body language to good effect.

Stand up when you welcome your partner, ensure eye contact, and keep your body language open and hospitable. Know that 85% of what we communicate is non-verbal. Look your best too but don’t dress entirely out of character.

● DON'T talk about your ex.

Probably one of the instant ways to put a fresh date off. Don't lose sight by chatting about yourself and your history, narrating the blunders,sorrows etc. A first date is about stepping towards the future rather than residing in the past.

● DO be honest and candid.

The bond between you two will formulate in the best feasible way if you are truthful on your date. You should always be delighted to express who you areand what you stand for, and if it doesn’t vibe with them, then you know that they aren’t the one for you.

● DON'T count your eggs before they hatch.

Enjoy the moment! Neglect what might transpire and all the variables, and just celebrate your date, concentrate on connecting and living heartily in the moment.

● DO throw in a compliment or two.

We all love a simple compliment, and I recommend that heaving one into the chatter will only be an optimistic play. Keep it simple; keep it clean and truthful and say it from your heart, not just because you are paying back a compliment.

In the end, offering to pay the bill will also be a nice gesture and shows you are independent and out there.

Now go and get hustling charming people and may the love Gods be peering down on you! Download Mohabbatein and find your match today!